Practical Life Lesson Descriptions
Interrupting and Waiting
Age: 3 years and up
Materials: two people
Purpose: learning to be patient, coordination of movements, concentration, sense of order, independence, learning sequence of activity and sense of responsibility, developing positive self-image, balance and hand eye-coordination
Explain to the child the importance of patience and how interrupting is not respectful to anyone. Show the child to put his or her hand on your shoulder when you are busy/having another conversation. Make sure to explain to the child once the hand is on your shoulder you know the child will be waiting. Pretend to “wait” for a length of time and then address the child.
Bow Tying Frame
Age: 3 years and up
Materials: dressing frame or shoe with laces
Purpose: tying a bow, coordination of movements, concentration, sense of order, independence, learning sequence of activity and sense of responsibility, developing positive self-image, balance, and hand-eye coordination
*If using a shoe follow steps of tying a bow on a shoe*
place frame in the middle of the table
place one hand on each end of the first (start at top) tie
pull ties apart
leave ties on side of the table
leave knot in the ties
repeat steps with each tie until each bow is undone
starting with top tie pull out each knot of the ties
leave ties on side of the table completely pulled out
examine frame when all ties are pulled out
open one side of frame with both hands
open other side of frame
close frame one side at a time
starting with top tie by pulling both strings up with both hand, one hand with one string
make a knot in the air and slowly pull strings down
leave strings on side of table
repeat these steps with each tie
starting with top tie make a loop with right string
pinch the loop
wrap other tie around loop
pull tie through
pull both loops down on frame
press loops down on frame
repeat with all ties
ask the child if they would like a turn
after child is done return work to shelf
Age: 3 years and up
Materials: basket with dust cloth or brush
Purpose: learning how to dust, coordination of movements, concentration, sense of order, independence, learning sequence of activity, learning sense of responsibility, developing positive self-image, balance, and hand-eye coordination
take out a floor rug or mat to place materials from the shelf
place rug next to shelf that will be dusted
place all items from shelf onto rug moving from left to right and top to bottom
-one row at a time
-mirroring the way the materials are on the shelf to the way you place them on the floor rug
4. dust shelf using a slow wipe
5. return duster to container
6. return all items to shelf
7. repeat all rows of the shelf until entire shelf as been dusted
Punching Paper
Age: 3 years and up
Materials: a tray-felt pad, puncher (push pin or a needle with a handle for the child to grip), paper with a pattern for punching
Purpose: to “cut” paper without using scissors, expression of self, coordination of movement, preparation for writing
place materials on a table with the tray above the area where you and the child will work
show the paper to the child and trace the outline of the pattern with your finger indicating where you will be punching
pick up the puncher and show the child that the puncher has a sharp end
begin to punch the pattern on the paper holding the puncher like you would hold a pencil
always start punching from the top and move clockwise
separate the pattern from the rest of the paper
place the pattern in an envelope
Age: 2.5 years and up
Materials: tray, paper, glue in a small cup/glue bottle/glue stick, brush if using cup of glue, mat, sponge or towel
Purpose: learning to use the glue, learning to arrange and compose different colors, sizes and textures of geometric shapes into satisfying designs
bring materials to a table
open the glue
place the paper that will be the base of the glued materials onto the mat
choose a piece of paper that you would like to glue
*if using anything other than the cup of glue and brush follow steps for your gluing material*
*continue to step 5 if using cup of glue and brush*
place the brush into the glue container
dab the brush onto the corners of the material that will be glued onto the base paper
turn the piece of glued paper over onto the base paper
press the glued paper with a flat hand on the base paper
repeat steps with the other materials that will be glued onto the paper
allow the paper to dry
wash the brush in the sink and place back onto the tray
wipe the mat using the towel or sponge
Flower Arranging
Age: 3 years and up
Materials: flowers, flower vases, funnel, sponge for wiping spills, scissors
Purpose: learning how to arrange flowers, sense of aesthetics, coordination of movements, concentration, sense of order, independence, learning sequence of activity, learning sense of responsibility, developing positive self-image, balance, and hand-eye coordination
put apron on
choose a vase to use
place the vase in the middle of the work station
place the funnel in vase
fill pitcher with water
fill vase with water from pitcher
pick a stem of flowers
lay the stem on the table and cut the flower
place the flower in vase
repeat steps with two or more flowers, child can pick different flowers
cut flowers the same length as the vase
throw away access stems
clean area with sponge if necessary
Window Washing
Age: 3 years and up
Materials: apron, a bucket for the squeegee, squeegee, a washcloth, and a spray bottle with water
Purpose: learning how to clean a window, care of the environment, coordination of movements, concentration, sense of order, independence, learning sequence of activity, learning sense of responsibility, developing positive self-image, balance, and hand-eye coordination
bring work to a window and put on the apron
hold the sprayer in one palm
spray the water on the window
replace sprayer to work
use the squeegee and go top to bottom and left to right on window
wipe squeegee with towel with each stroke
clean edge of window with the towel
hang wet cloth up to dry
Button Frame
Age: 3 years and up
Materials: button dressing frame or piece of clothing that has buttons
Purpose: mastering how to button, coordination of movements, concentration, sense of order, independence, learning sequence of activity, learning sense of responsibility, developing positive self-image, balance, and hand-eye coordination
take work to a table
point out buttons with left hand
starting with the top button pull fabric away from button showing a gaping hole
show child the space between the hole and the button by putting the tip of the index finger slightly through the hole
slightly push the button through the hole releasing the button from the fabric
continue until all buttons are unbuttoned
pick up one side of the fabric from the frame and fold over the side showing that all buttons are released
pick up the other side of the fabric and fold over so child can see the open “window” of the frame
close frame one side at a time
starting with the top button place button back inside of the hole
repeat until all buttons are buttoned correctly on the frame
Age: 3 years and up
Materials: Burlap material (or other loosely woven material), needle, sewing thread (embroidery, yarn), sewing hoop
Purpose: learning how to sew, care of self, coordination of movements, concentration, sense of order, independence, learning sequence of activity and sense of responsibility, developing positive self-image, balance and hand eye-coordination
Presentation: Sewing a Shape
place circle of hoop on table
take out one cloth
put cloth on circle of hoop upside down
place hoop on top and pinch
unravel thread and measure the thread the length of the table
cut thread
place scissors and thread in basket
thread needle
slide the needle to the middle of thread
tie the two ends of the thread
sew markings starting from under the material, turn material over as needed
tie knot when sewing is complete
cut and throw away extra thread
place needle in pin cushion
Presentation: Sewing a Button
measure thread the length of the table
thread needle
choose a button
place needle through a hole on the button and place on fabric
sew up and down through each hole of the button
cut and throw away extra thread from needle
place needle in pin cushion
tie a knot in the thread when done sewing
Age: 3 years and up
Materials: mop, bucket
Purpose: care of the environment, learning how to mop, coordination of movements, concentration, sense of order, independence, learning sequence of activity, learning sense of responsibility, developing self-image, balance, and hand eye-coordination
place bucket with mop on the floor
fill the pitcher with water
pour water into bucket
return pitcher to the work
twist and turn the mop in the bucket with water
6. “dry” the mop
7. mop the floor with the cross body movement
8. dump dirty water from bucket into a sink
11. hold mop in bucket with the handle held up with the mop
12. return materials to its proper place
Sowing Seeds
Age: 3 years and up
Materials: *small container for pellet, pellets (compressed peat moss), hot water, seeds, name labels, large tray
*bucket with planting soil, dish with seeds, scoop, small individual container for planting the seed, water, pitcher
Purpose: learning how to sow seeds, care of the coordination of movements, concentration, sense of order, independence, learning sequence of activity, learning sense of responsibility, developing positive self-image, balance, and hand-eye coordination
place work on table
write name on small container
place soil dish in small container
place a couple pebbles or rocks in dish
scoop dirt into dish
write plant name on popsicle stick
point out seed
bury seed in dirt
cover seed with dirt
fill watering can with water
pour water into dish
let dirt soak up water
place popsicle stick in dirt
add more water as needed
place on windowsill with the most sunlight
pour out extra water from can